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Produktbeispiele und Empfehlungen:

1. Vehicle Mount Display 1001
2. Vehicle Mount Display 2002
3. Vehicle Mount Display 2003
4. Vehicle Mount Display 3002

5. MVS 2620-IP Modular Vehicle System IP65
6. MVS 5600-IP Modular Vehicle System IP65
7. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1021
8. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1010
9. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1011
10. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1910-S
11. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1020-PA
12. Vehicle Telematics Computer 6220-BK

Panel Computer:
13. Vehicle Mount Computer 1100
14. Vehicle Mount Computer 3020
15. Vehicle Mount Computer 3021
16. Vehicle Mount Computer 4020

Vehicle Mount Display 1001

Vehicle Mount Display 2002

Vehicle Mount Display 2003

Vehicle Mount Display 3002

MVS 2620-IP Modular Vehicle System IP65

MVS 5600-IP Modular Vehicle System IP65

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1021

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1010

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1011

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1910-S

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1020-PA

Vehicle Telematics Computer 6220-BK

Vehicle Mount Computer 1100

Vehicle Mount Computer 3020

Vehicle Mount Computer 3021

Vehicle Mount Computer 4020

Vehicle Mount Computers increase efficiency of agriculture in Asia

Putting precision agriculture into practice is no doubt paramount to the ongoing success of the agriculture industry. As global population rises, farmers need to supply adequate food resources to keep up with the growing demand. To maximize harvesting yield within limited arable land, automate tractors and optimize farming efficiency, our partner NEXCOM's VMC 1100 Vehicle Mount Computer has been implemented inside driverless tractors in an agricultural land in Asia.

Downloads: Application Note VMC 1100