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   ...we make the difference!
Produktbeispiele und Empfehlungen:

1. DeltaVarioMon 7" Typ 1 Automotive Monitor
2. DeltaVarioMon 13,3" Typ 2 Automotive Monitor
3. DeltaTerminal 7" Automotive Monitor
4. Vehicle Mount Display 1001
5. Vehicle Mount Display 2002
6. Vehicle Mount Display 3002

7. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1911-IPK
8. MVS 2620-IP Modular Vehicle System IP65
9. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1021
10. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1011
11. Vehicle Telematics Computer 1910-S

Panel Computer:
12. Vehicle Mount Computer 1100
13. Vehicle Mount Computer 220
14. Vehicle Mount Computer 3020
15. Vehicle Mount Computer 4020

Tablets & Handhelds:
16. DeltaHandheld-Device 5" Typ 2, IP67
17. DeltaTablet-PC 8" Typ 2
18. DeltaTablet-PC 9,7" Typ 2, IP65

19. DeltaUSV / DeltaUPS 2,6Ah

DeltaVarioMon 7" Typ 1 Automotive Monitor

DeltaVarioMon 13,3" Typ 2 Automotive Monitor

DeltaTerminal 7" Automotive Monitor

Vehicle Mount Display 1001

Vehicle Mount Display 2002

Vehicle Mount Display 3002

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1911-IPK

MVS 2620-IP Modular Vehicle System IP65

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1021

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1011

Vehicle Telematics Computer 1910-S

Vehicle Mount Computer 1100

Vehicle Mount Computer 220

Vehicle Mount Computer 3020

Vehicle Mount Computer 4020

DeltaHandheld-Device 5" Typ 2, IP67

DeltaTablet-PC 8" Typ 2

DeltaTablet-PC 9,7" Typ 2, IP65

DeltaUSV / DeltaUPS 2,6Ah

Robust ausgelegt um Effizienz und Produktivität zu steigern

  • Leistungsstark und kostengünstig
  • Sonnenlichttaugliches Display
  • Präzise und zeitnahe Ortung des Fahrzeugs
  • Wasser– und staubdichter Schutz für raue Umgebungen
  • Einfache Anbindung an Peripheriegeräte
  • Leistungsstarke Intel-Prozessoren für schnelles und anspruchsvolles Arbeiten
  • Hochleistungsfähiges LCD-Touchscreen-Panel mit geringer Reflexion
  • Globales Navigationssatellitensystem (GPS/ Glonass/Galileo/BeiDou) zur genauen Positionierung des Fahrzeugs
  • Robustes Design und IP65-Schutz für zuverlässigen Betrieb unter extremen Bedingungen und im Außenbereich
  • Eingebaute Kommunikationsanschlüsse wie USB/ COM/GPIO/CAN-Bus/Mini-PCIe zum Anschluss von Peripheriegeräten und zur Erfassung von Fahrzeugdaten

Vehicle Mount Computer Harvests Data To Increase Field Yields

The vehicle mount computer VMC 4011 of our partner NEXCOM is aimed at providing field data for fieldworkers and site managers to increasing productivity. Targeted at mobile data terminals on heavy machines, the VMC 4011 is packed with data gathering, processing, display, and transfer capabilities. The VMC 4011 can keep field operations and heavy machines under tight control and close watch for industries including agriculture and forestry, mining, construction, and ports and harbors.

Downloads: Application Note VMC 4011

VMC enhances safety, production and asset management at mines

Mining is a high-risk and high-tech industry. Using information and communications technology allows site managers to monitor all activities at mines and supervise day-to-day operations. Coming to the assistant is NEXCOM's VMC 1100 which integrates GPS tracking, wireless communication, remote monitoring and onboard diagnostics to help with overseeing occupational safety and health, tracking mining progress and facilitating the management of mining trucks.

Downloads: Application Note VMC 1100 Mining

ARM®-based IoT Edge Solution provides Efficiency and Transparency for Industrial Vehicles

The VMC 220, 8-inch all-in-one robust vehicle mount computer, is designed for material handling, port logistics, warehousing and fleet management. It includes the latest NXP i.MX8M Quad processor and with SystemReady-IR certification in progress, the ARM® platform will "just work" with generic operating systems, as customers expect with traditional architectures.

APPLICATION NOTE: 8" Vehicle Mount Computer 220 * PRODUCT LINK: 8" Vehicle Mount Computer 220